Tag: geometry wars

Project Natal Caught On Video Playing Half Life 2 and Geometry Wars

  While we await the next E3 and the upcoming addition to or consoles themselves, someone has captured the playing of Geometry Wars and Half Life 2 using Project Natal.  At first I thought this would not be something of interest until I viewed the short video. Check it out for yourself and now imagine Modern Warfare 2 and Project Natal.

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MIT Develops Depth Sensing Bidirectional Touch Screen

 This proof of concept from MIT looks to be the next step in interacting with your monitor.  Very much like Minority Report, the screen responds to touch and distance of your hands, but without any gloves needed.  The video below explains exactly how it works and then demonstrates each motion in practice.  The only problem we see from here is the form factor will need some work, but we’re only at the beginning. 

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