Tag: apple ceo

Steve Jobs Takes A Break Until June


  It is no mystery what Steve Jobs has been through as far as health is concerned.  After his recent letter explaining some of his health issues and why he missed MacWorld, Steve has once again let Apple employees know of his whereabouts.  Lets hope all goes well and he returns as planned.The following is from the letter sent to his employees:



Apple CEO Steve Jobs today sent the following email to all Apple employees:


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Steve Jobs Still Here

  Yesterday Bloomberg ran a story reporting the death of Apple CEO Steve Jobs.  Apparently they think he is soon to be on the way out and hit publish when updating their news.  The story was pulled as Steve Jobs is still with us.  Health has been a major concern for shareholders of Apple as Steve is the one  responsible for where Apple is today.  Well lets hope he is not on his way out soon.  Hopefully he stays with us for some time to come.


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